Our Commitment to Sustainability
Sustainability runs broadly across environmental, social, and economic spectrums. While climate change and carbon emissions are clear targets for reducing negative environmental impacts, there are much wider areas of focus that also blend into sustainability, such as wellness, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I), humanitarian work, and leveraging localized products and services. Ultimately, sustainability within the meetings and events space requires a holistic approach that addresses these issues simultaneously.
We utilize the power of our networks to drive sustainability through our company, our people, our business partners, and our customers. While much of the focus is on the emissions from travel to and from an event, what happens during the event itself is just as important – from plastics and food waste to venue energy consumption, attendee wellness, and local community impact.
Our Sustainability Toolkit
We assist clients in their sustainability journeys through our comprehensive Sustainability Toolkit, which provides helpful tools for both education and implementation, including our:
- Venue Scorecard: Assess venues based on their sustainability practices and impact.
- Event Checklist: Ensure all aspects of your event adhere to sustainability best practices.
- Carbon Emissions Calculator: Measure and manage the carbon footprint of your event.
- Meetings Management Maturity Model: Guide your organization through progressive stages of sustainable meetings management.
- Carbon Compensation: Offset carbon emissions through verified programs.
- Thought Leadership: Stay informed with the latest insights and trends in sustainability.
Educating and Engaging Attendees
We believe it is crucial to inform and educate meeting and event attendees about sustainability efforts, as well as the reasoning behind them. This fosters a sense of collective responsibility, positive engagement, and acceptance for the undertaken actions.
Our Focus Areas
Environmental Impact: Reducing waste, managing resources efficiently, and minimizing carbon emissions.
Social Responsibility: Promoting wellness, ensuring DE&I, and supporting local communities.
Economic Sustainability: Leveraging local products and services, and ensuring long-term economic benefits for communities involved in our events.
Our commitment to sustainability is woven into every aspect of our operations, from planning to execution. By working together with our clients, partners, and communities, we aim to create events that not only achieve business goals but also contribute positively to the world around us.

Suflör Turizm güvenin herşeyden önce geldiğini bilir.
Yaptığımız çalışmalarda deneyimimiz ve uzmanlığımız ile işleriniz güvenli ellerde.Profesyonellik
Amatör ruhla profesyonel olmayı başarıyoruz.
Çalışmalarımızda profesyoneliz fakat hala ilk seferki gibi heyecanımızı koruyoruz.Hizmet
Hizmet sektöründe zor olanı başarıyor, sürekliliğimizle partneriniz oluyoruz.
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